What You Eat Matters: Diet for Fertility

June 11, 2024

When you're going through fertility treatment, it's completely normal to look for new habits that can increase your chances of success. But be careful! Not everything that lives on the Internet is trustworthy. Sometimes we can read towards radical changes, believe us: you don't have to go that far to help your body. If your intention is to find something that will give your treatment a boost, following a balanced and healthy fertility diet with the help of a specialist is a great option.

Does my diet affect my fertility?

The answer is yes, of course. What you eat is an important factor in fertility: energy and nutrients obtained from food are the main materials for the production of hormones and semen. A hormonal imbalance, for example, may in part be caused by having a diet high in trans fats. In addition, the quantity and quality of eggs is also linked to the food you eat. Knowing what to eat during fertility treatment and what not to eat during fertility treatment is easier than you think.

What to eat during fertility treatment?

Don't worry, the fertility diet isn't as restrictive as it might sound. There are a wide variety of foods you can consume to help your body achieve your goal. In general, specialists recommend a Mediterranean diet. Yes, that's what the Greeks, the Spanish, the French and the Italians are famous for. Doesn't sound so bad, does it? This diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and healthy fats, and one of its great benefits is that it helps prevent heart problems and diabetes.

But that way, everything sounds very general. Yes, yes. Eat fruits and vegetables, we already know that. Of course, let's get to the specifics. What kind of seeds, for example? Whole grains are the best. Replace white bread with whole wheat bread, flour paste with whole wheat pasta. Add quinoa and farro to your daily routine, they will give a new flavor to your food. Vegetables? Beans, chickpeas and lentils. Lots and lots of good protein. And for seasoning? Forget about salt and enter the world of herbs and spices, it's not for nothing that wars were fought to get them. Are dairy products worth it? They are worth it, just make sure they are low in fat and lactose-free.

More specific? You can start your mornings with whole wheat toast with avocado and a little bit of extra virgin olive oil and pepper. This is a breakfast rich in healthy fats. In addition, it is rich in vitamins to get pregnant, such as vitamin C, E and D. A little later in the day you can enter the world of salads. These can be as varied as what you put in them and they don't have to be just lettuce-based: add some whole wheat pasta, low-mercury fish, some chicken. You can also prepare brown rice bowls with vegetables sautéed in olive oil with the protein of your choice. There's no limit to the mixes you can make.

What not to eat during fertility treatment?

Of course there are things to avoid. Red meat, for example, is not the best option. It is best to get your protein from white meat, fish and legumes. Refined flours and highly processed food aren't ideal either, the good news is that they're easy to replace.

The next thing is going to sound difficult: you have to get away from the coffee. It has negative impacts on fertility. Before you say “Noooo, what am I going to do to get up”, we have the remedy. Smoothies are rich in natural sugars and will help you wake up better than coffee ever can. A red fruit smoothie, for example, is rich in antioxidants and is a great way to start the morning. What else to avoid? Alcohol and tobacco, several studies have shown that the consumption of these products affects fertility by a considerable percentage.

Do you want to know more about the fertility diet?

Every body and every person is different. Everyone has different tastes and needs. If you are interested in having a fertility diet specially made for you and for your treatment, at Integral Fertility we have a Nutritionist ready to serve you. Fertility foods for men and women may vary slightly. ¡Ven with your partner and start this journey together!

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