Chronological map of in vitro fertilization

Stages and processes that a woman undergoes in in vitro treatment. From stimulation and capture, to a positive pregnancy test and a baby on the way.

June 11, 2024

We made a kind of map of the process of in vitro fertilization. Although each woman is different and responds differently, the process is carried out in the same way in each cycle of ovarian stimulation for in vitro fertilization.

For this simulation, we relied on a case where the procedure has a successful outcome; however, this is not always the case! There are different scenarios. To learn more about these scenarios and their odds, take a look at this Another item.

1. Ovarian stimulation and monitoring

What is it?
Hormones are injected that act directly into the ovaries and generate follicles. These follicles are a style of pouch that contains an immature egg. When the egg matures, the follicle ruptures and allows it to fertilize.

What is the result?
The number of follicles that grow depends a lot on each patient and their reaction to hormones.

How long does it last?
1 to 5 weeks.

2. Egg capture

What is it?
When the doctor is satisfied with the number of follicles produced, he gives the woman a medicine that encourages the eggs to mature. 35 to 36 hours later, using a syringe and ultrasound, the doctor enters the uterus and captures the eggs from the follicles.

What is the result?
In an average case, 75% of the follicles generate a mature egg.

How long does it last?
Less than an hour.

3. Fertilization

What is it?
In a glass container in the laboratory, an embryologist fertilizes the egg with a sperm. There are different techniques: conventional insemination, which consists of leaving sperm around the egg so that the strongest one can fertilize it naturally; or ICSI, in which sperm is injected directly into the egg.

What is the result?
In this process 70% of the eggs captured are fertilized.

How long does it last?
It depends on the fertility clinic and the team, but it's usually done in less than an hour.

4. Embryo growth

What is it?
Laboratory experts have to generate the right atmosphere to simulate what is happening inside the tubes: regulate temperature, oxygen, humidity and other elements so that the embryo can develop and be placed in the uterus.

What is the result?
This is where the most is lost (60% of embryos!). Only 40% of fertilized eggs achieve adequate growth to be transferred to the uterus. A good laboratory is crucial at this stage of in vitro fertilization treatment.

How long?
This procedure takes 3 to 7 days.

5. Embryo transfer

What is it?
Right off the bat, a super exciting moment! Some women choose to freeze embryos and then use them, others decide to transfer them immediately, and others prefer to transfer one or two. It depends on the specific case and the recommendation of your fertility doctor.

6. Pregnancy test

What is it?
After 8 or 9 days after the embryo was placed in the uterus, a blood test is performed that measures the levels of hCG, a hormone that is produced during pregnancy. This way you can know if the embryo was implanted in the uterus.

7. Baby on the way

What is it?
If the pregnancy test was positive, there's an 80% chance that 36 weeks later you'll have a baby on your hands.

To finish...

In vitro fertility treatment is challenging in many ways. Get to know the in vitro fertilization process is to be clear about the future, to know what you are facing and to understand your odds. It's okay to be optimistic, but let's be cautious optimists.

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