The reckless comments (and more prudent alternatives) about infertility

If you are going through a fertility process, whatever it may be, we are sure that you have come across comments that help little and burden you a lot. And we know that they often come from good places, but the reality is that there are better support solutions than the foolish comments you hear at family meals.

June 11, 2024

If you are living a fertility process, whatever it is, we are sure that you have come across comments that help little and burden a lot. And we know that they often come from good places, but the reality is that there are better support solutions than the foolish comments about infertility that you hear at family meals.


We've all had a friend who suggests a vacation. Friend: go outside, get a massage, take a retreat, put on an avocado mask and relax! Surely stress has not helped you at all in this process, and when you manage to disconnect from the issue you will be able to get pregnant. Besides saying it's easy and it's not, simply relaxing isn't the solution to infertility. We don't say it, science says it.

And if we are that friend trying to help, a better option is to invite our friend to the massage we suggest or for a delicious meal. Not because after that she is going to get pregnant, but to pamper her. That's what support from friends is all about.

And for when is the baby?

We went from questions about the ring to questions about marriage to questions about children. It seems that aunts and grandmothers can't help it! When is the baby? This question is bad for two reasons: 1. Maybe the person or partner isn't looking for a baby. 2. If you want it and you don't have it, you're probably facing something difficult.

And if we are that aunt, grandfather, cousin, mom, better, instead of asking couples about their family planning, let's give the gift of prudence. It's worth gold! And now, if they do have children, it will be time to pamper them a lot. And bite our tongues before we ask when the next one is coming.

Don't worry, it will arrive

This is practically everyone's comment. Are you trying to get pregnant? Don't worry, it'll come. Be patient. But no! It's not the hamburger you ordered at the restaurant (which will come by force, whether you worry or not). Children, fertility and family planning are a very complex mechanism. It is known!

Try not to take people's reckless or uncomfortable comments personally; the reality is that there's a long way to go culturally. And many people don't have the tools to face a conversation about infertility. Be patient, because not everyone knows what you know. It's worth correcting, it's worth going through the pipe and it's worth sharing a little of your wisdom. And let yourself be pampered. It's okay!

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