Behind the success: fertility labs

June 11, 2024

Behind the success: fertility labs

For many, fertility treatment starts with choosing a specialist doctor. This decision is a great way to make the treatment successful, but it's not the only important decision: you also have to choose between all the fertility laboratories! In this article, we'll tell you how to know which fertility clinic to choose.

What's behind a large fertility lab?

Phew! There are several factors that intertwine to build a unique, first-rate laboratory. For example, an extraordinary embryologist is required (if you click Here we tell you more about Hugo, the doctor behind the Integral Fertility laboratory), state-of-the-art equipment and machinery, established and rigorous protocols, and a space that guarantees the safety of eggs, embryos and sperm.

The goal of fertility laboratories

The ultimate purpose of a laboratory is to give good results. But what is a fertility lab? If it is an egg freeze, it is the place that keeps the eggs in good condition in liquid nitrogen tanks until the day they are going to be used. If it is an in vitro fertilization laboratory, the laboratory preserves eggs and sperm cells, has equipment to identify which are the best quality, fertilize them in a suitable environment and provide the exact doses of oxygen, heat and nutrients so that the embryo develops and can be transferred (here we have a Article about this step-by-step process). If we study fertility treatments, we can see that there are an enormous number of steps and that many of them happen in the laboratory.

What does the success of fertility treatment depend on?

It's true, the laboratory accounts for a large part of the success of fertility treatment, you will surely wonder how much can change from one laboratory to another, and the answer is simple: much more than you can imagine! In research conducted in the United States, they found that the quality of a laboratory can double the chances of successful conception. The laboratory is so decisive in the process that even some countries already have regulations and grant licenses only to clinics that fully comply with them.

The technology behind the Integral Fertility laboratory

We like to say that our laboratory is the place where science happens. Because, even if it sometimes seems like it, it's not magic. Everything is measured, calculated and performed with meticulous surgical precision that leads us to positive results. Among the things we like the most about this place are:

  • Laminar flow chimes that allow us to maintain ideal conditions for handling samples.
  • Cooper Surgical Integra 3 System to control the temperature of the work surface.
  • Saturn laser system which allows biopsies to be performed with photographic and video recording, and reduces the exposure time of the sample.
  • Incubators high level with separate chambers for each patient that ensure stability during embryonic development.
  • Filtration system which controls air quality so that no particles or harmful substances can affect crop development.

Ask any questions that come to mind, our team is ready to solve them.


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