Alondra Bautista

Experience Coordinator



Although entering the field of assisted reproduction was not in Alondra's plans, finding Integral Fertility was an almost predestined coincidence. He had studied the Technical Degree in Gastronomy at the Technological Baccalaureate Center No. 2 in Metepec and the Degree in Nutrition at the Mexican University of Toluca. However, something called her to train and care for new lives, so she did her social service at the General Hospital of Tenancingo, where she attended breastfeeding training and provided nutritional monitoring to newborn babies hospitalized in the intensive care unit. When FI crossed his path, he didn't hesitate to take all his experience in patient care to a new terrain.

As a navigator, Alondra knows that trust is essential to be able to accompany women, men and couples on their fertility journey. Its main objective is to facilitate the process for its patients so that they feel their support at every step and in every aspect. With her, they will never be alone or alone. When she is not following a reproductive path, she is with her daughter doing some outdoor activity, doing some sport or just jumping around.