Diana Gonzalez




Before coming to work at Integral Fertility, Diana had collaborated in other medical clinics helping to take samples, vital signs and various studies. However, the area of assisted reproduction called her because it was a rare field from which she could learn a lot and develop her professional career. She had studied both her technical career and her degree in Nursing, the latter at the Iztacala School of Higher Education of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and ——after exploring other sectors of health care—— she knew perfectly well that this was the path for her.

Now, she treasures every moment she spends accompanying couples and patients on their fertility journey. His purpose within the clinic is to serve as a guide during these processes and to help make these complex — and sometimes painful — situations more bearable for his patients. In her free time, Diana enjoys simple things like hanging out with her classmates, going to the movies and taking long walks to get away from her daily life.