Erick Martínez

Embryologist Sr.



Erick not only has a degree in Biology from the Faculty of Higher Education Zaragoza of the UNAM, but also a master's degree in Theoretical Bases and Laboratory Procedures in Assisted Reproduction from the University of Valencia, as well as multiple courses related to his specialty in embryology. Before coming to Integral Fertility, Erick had collaborated with other clinics in the area of assisted reproduction, but he had never encountered a laboratory with state-of-the-art equipment and such specialized technology.

As an embryologist, he knows that the trust his patients place in his work is immense, and that is why he puts his heart on the table every day: when he makes any movement, he does so with the greatest care, he knows that inside each container there is a dream and a hope. Erick has a love for biology under and outside the microscope, so he spends his free time mountaineering and exercising in nature.