Claudia Itzel Jimenez




Itzel studied a degree in Nursing at the Autonomous Metropolitan University, and since before his graduation, he began training in the comprehensive management of patients during his hospital stay. Later, she worked in the area of nursing for clinical studies and, although she had knowledge in the field of assisted reproduction, it wasn't until she found Integral Fertility that she decided to start this new path in her professional career. From that moment on, her delicacy in dealing with her patients and the respect she has for them acquired a new added value that highlights her as a nurse.

Among all things, what she likes most about collaborating with the clinic is the moment when, during an ultrasound, she hears the heartbeat of a future baby and knows that her patients' dreams have come true. The joy and energy of those moments fill her with emotion. In her daily life, Itzel tries to spend as much time as possible with her husband watching series, talking and enjoying good food.