María Rangel




The first time Integral Fertility opened its doors to her, Maria came in as a patient. There, he found a warm and close clinic that was unlike any other health space he had visited, and he wanted to stay forever. While undergoing treatment, she began to collaborate with the clinic as a navigator. Previously, he had developed in the restaurant industry and has certifications both from the San Ángel Center for Higher Studies ——as an associate professional in Restaurant Management——, and from the Anahuac University in partnership with Le Cordon Bleu.

When she arrived at FI she found her place: one where they didn't make her feel like just another number. Nobody knows the rollercoaster of emotions that can be experienced during a fertility journey like María, and so she makes sure that her patients know that she is there to help them. In her 40s, she still loves building Legos, but she recognizes that her hobbies have changed since her baby came into this world.