Hello! This is your space

Our blog is made to be a safe place. Here we will give you all the information you need if you are undergoing fertility treatment (conception or preservation): instead of myths, realities; instead of taboos, communication.

June 11, 2024

This is your fertility 101.

We know that consulting Google is a double-edged sword; the internet is full of false information and it's hard to know which sources are trustworthy and which are not. That's what this digital space exists for! Our goal is for you to consult these articles before and during your fertility process. This place is full of useful and accessible information.

An affective community

We want to build a community of care, so this space will also be a house of testimonies, recommendations, encouraging voices and a paradigm shift. Like our clinic, our blog is comprehensive: it was created to be a reliable source, but also to give you comfort, laughter and anecdotes. We will talk about what is talked about a lot and what is talked about little.

Instead of myths, realities. Instead of taboos, communication.

Fertility is one of the great issues in the lives of women and couples, and as with all major issues, we are not only faced with misinformation, but also with myths and taboos. These myths are combated with data and science, and taboos by bringing to the table topics that were previously said behind doors and in a low voice.

It doesn't have to be that way anymore!

Fortunately, we know more and more about fertility, there are more and more treatments and paths, and more women and couples sharing their experience.

Why fertility? Integral?

Fertility used to be thought of as something very specific: the ability to have babies. We now know that fertility does not only involve medical treatments, it is a much more holistic process related to well-being. And that's why we exist!

In addition to having super trained doctors (and great vibes) on our team, we have many wellness services: individual or group psychological therapy, nutrition and acupuncture. Hence, it is integral; because it takes into account all the parts of a very complex whole: you. And if before we believed that everything related to fertility happened in the reproductive system, today we know that this is not the case. And our approach, as well as science, has grown and advanced.

What's next in this space?

As we told you, we are going to dedicate this blog to explaining all the important issues surrounding fertility. We will start by breaking down the treatments (giving each one a detailed blog article) and answering any possible questions that may arise in this regard.

We'll dive into the possibilities of wellness, introduce you to our team, talk about motherhood, pregnancy and reproduction, give you advice and make you smile. Because that's what it's about, too.

If you have questions, write to us! This is your space and we want to fill it with what is good for you.

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