LGBT+ Fertility

June 11, 2024

Yes, there are reproductive options for LGBT+ people

In recent years, the entire world has witnessed a great advance in the area of rights for sexual diversities and dissidents. Although at an uneven pace, Mexico has been no exception. There are more and more places where LGBT+ couples can get married, adopt and have access to LGBT+ fertility treatments.

Scientific advances have also been important, resulting in an increasing range of options for LGBT+ couples who want to have babies who share genetic information with one or both of them. Here is an explanation of the most used and tested methods.

LGBT+ Fertility Options:

  • Reception of eggs from the couple (ROPA): The ROPA method is an option that allows both people to be emotionally and biologically involved in the pregnancy. Also known as reciprocal in vitro fertilization and is not a pregnancy with an egg from two women. This treatment involves one of the people donating an egg, which will follow the in vitro process and will be transferred to your partner's uterus. In in vitro fertilization for homosexual couples, the pregnancy will continue in the second person's womb in the same way that pregnancies with egg donation develop.
  • Egg freezing: it is a procedure that has become increasingly popular among people who want to wait to have babies. It is also an excellent option for trans men who are going to start hormone treatment and do not want to give up the possibility of conceiving, as testosterone therapy leads to anovulation and amenorrhea. Although it is possible for someone who has followed this treatment to recover their menstrual cycle, the long-term effects of testosterone on fertility are not yet known with certainty. This procedure begins with a hormone injection that causes the ovaries to produce multiple mature eggs. Then, the lab workers freeze and store the eggs until you feel ready to use them. In this Article we explain every detail of this treatment.
  • Intrauterine insemination: This is a procedure in which laboratories separate semen from sperm. The specialist then inserts the sperm directly into the uterus to increase the chances of pregnancy. Sometimes it may be accompanied by hormonal treatment that promotes ovulation. This insemination technique for a female couple must be performed by a specialist doctor. Here we tell you everything about this Technique.

LGBT Fertility:The best is yet to come!

We live in a time of rapid and constant change, so it is possible that in the coming years new assisted fertility alternatives designed for the LGBT+ community will emerge. Today, there are already several viable options for those who want to form a diverse, loving and happy family, without having to adapt to traditional regulations. If you or someone you know is thinking about following any of these treatments, make an appointment here! At Integral Fertility, we help you.

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