Towards comprehensive medicine

June 11, 2024

A new trend is changing the way we understand health: comprehensive medicine. This movement constitutes a meeting point between the concept of well-being of the East and the West. This involves a new way of approaching illness, prevention and cure. In short, integrative medicine seeks to treat health with all the tools we have discovered throughout history.

Integrative medicine is not the same as alternative medicine

Let's see, little by little, there are a lot of misconceptions regarding this term (and what it suggests). Contrary to what it seems, integrative medicine is not alternative medicine. Alternative medicine is one that uses healing techniques originated in the East — acupuncture, yoga, homeopathy and meditation — as core to treatment. Integrative medicine, on the other hand, intertwines Chinese practices with Western science to give way to a more complete medicine with an ultimate goal: to make patients feel and feel better.

The Philosophy Behind Integrative Medicine

This medical practice seeks to emphasize the importance of the horizontal relationship between patient and doctor. In other words, it perceives people as a whole, with their fears, dreams, emotions and stories. Health centers with this approach not only have doctors, but also other specialists—such as psychologists, nutritionists, acupuncturists—who nourish diagnosis and treatment. Only in this way, from different perspectives that seek to build a more complete picture, is it possible to achieve successful results.

And when it comes to fertility?

Phew, where do we start! There are many things that comprehensive fertility medicine proposes to do before, during and after any treatment: modify your diet, calm your thoughts, heal the past and have a routine that keeps you at your center, among others. This is what we do at Integral Fertility, to understand you thoroughly to build a treatment that is yours and only yours. A treatment that takes care of you in every way.

The Care Revolution

Patients are at the center of our medicine. At Integral Fertility we bring together doctors specialized in reproduction with wellness specialists and state-of-the-art technology to maximize the chances of success. We want to be an effective clinic, but also an empathetic and humane one. That's where integrative medicine becomes central to our practice.


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