Sperm freezing

Freezing sperm allows you to preserve its mobility, morphology and genetic quality for the future.

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It’s time to dispel the misconceptions: age can impact male fertility too! Furthermore, even though it is rarely emphasized, the quality and quantity of sperm are vital elements that contribute to the success of conception. Luckily, the process of freezing sperm enables you to preserve its mobility, morphology, and genetic quality for future use.

What You Need to Know About Freezing Sperm

Sperm freezing is the fastest and least invasive fertility preservation treatment. There are many reasons to freeze sperm, but here are some of the most common ones.

The step by step of freezing sperm

Each person is unique, so we evaluate each case separately. But if you want to get a general idea of the steps you would take if you decide to embark on a sperm freeze, this will help you:

Collecting the sample
Itinerary for your journey of
Sperm freezing
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Sperm freezing


To carry out this treatment, we only need to collect a sample of your sperm to freeze it slowly in our laboratory and store it in specialized liquid nitrogen tanks that will protect it from time and deterioration until the time comes.

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