Fertility and exercise

June 11, 2024

Fertility & Exercise

We hear it at school, in doctors' offices, in awareness campaigns, in commercials and, basically, everywhere: exercise. And we know, exercise is essential for health. However, very little is said about the type of activities to be carried out depending on the age, objective, medical history and other factors that are involved in the physical, mental and emotional health of each person.

Knowing what type of exercise your body and mind require according to their context is almost as important as doing the exercise itself. And, during a fertility journey, staying healthy is key to increasing the chances of successful treatment. What are the recommended exercises for each process? Here we tell you a little about the activities you can do depending on the fertility treatment you are going through [or are thinking about going through] and the stage of this treatment you are in.

Ovarian Stimulation: The First Multipath Step

During a treatment of in vitro fertilization, egg freezing or embryos, intrauterine insemination and even scheduled intercourse, it is necessary to go through a stage known as ovarian stimulation. This procedure consists of administering medications with the purpose of increasing the production of follicles in the ovaries for their maturation, the hormones used during this stage tend to increase the size of the ovaries and, therefore, the chances of suffering ovarian torsion. In other words, ovarian stimulation can increase the risk of the ovaries turning on themselves, hampering blood circulation and requiring surgery. Fortunately, limiting exercise to low-impact activities reduces the risk of experiencing this condition.

Exercises for patients undergoing ovarian stimulation

Now you're probably wondering what low-impact exercise is and what types of activities it covers. Low-impact exercise is distinguished by involving slow and gentle movements, which can contribute to the development and maintenance of muscle mass, stimulate circulation and prevent injuries resulting from overexertion. Here are some of the low-impact exercises you can incorporate into your routine during the ovarian stimulation process:

  • Walking: Walking for a few minutes a day will keep you active and help you clear your mind.
  • Low-impact stretching or pilates: these types of movements are perfect for reducing back pain, improving mobility and reducing tension and stress.
  • Prenatal yoga: there are many types of yoga, and some of them require movements that curve your spine or completely invert your body. Avoid this type of pose; instead, focus on stretching and standing, sitting, or lying on your back.
  • Tai Chi: this ancient technique improves balance, increases coordination, increases strength and promotes mental peace.
  • Smooth swimming: At a slow pace, without doing somersaults or diving, swimming is excellent for renewing your energy and mobilizing every limb of your body.

Remember that before doing any of these activities you should consult your fertility specialist: each person is different and has different needs. In addition, it's important to avoid getting too tired during these exercises or doing them for extended periods of time. Being rested and healthy is one of the keys to having a smooth and friendly fertility journey.

After ovarian stimulation

Once the ovarian stimulation phase is over, the path of fertility treatments begins to bifurcate. However, many specialists recommend avoiding exercise completely for at least two weeks before starting the procedure [and this includes scheduled intercourse, intrauterine insemination, or the capture of eggs for freezing or in vitro fertilization!]. After starting treatment, the branches of the tree of possibilities take different directions.

On the one hand, when it comes to a freezing of eggs or embryos, it is recommended to wait two weeks or until after you have set your schedule to resume regular sports or exercises, since, by this time, your ovaries will have returned to their normal size. On the other hand, in the case of an embryo transfer during a in vitro fertilization, a intrauterine insemination or scheduled intercourse —after the break recommended by your fertility specialist—, it is possible to continue performing low-impact exercises such as those mentioned above. This stage is known as “beta waiting” and is a key moment in successful treatments. Therefore, it is essential to reduce stress, avoid anxiety and keep the body in an optimal state.

More exercises for other fertility treatments

However, there are some procedures that do not require ovarian stimulation, but do require considerations in terms of physical activity. For example, for a semen freezing treatment to be successful, it is necessary to collect a sample containing healthy sperm. The quality of a sperm sample is determined by the concentration of cells, their morphology and mobility. All of these are criteria that, according to multiple Studies, can improve considerably thanks to exercise. There are even studies that indicate that doing moderate and continuous physical activity for six Months may improve sperm quality. You can walk at a brisk pace, jog, ride a bike, dance, swim leisurely, play volleyball, and do aerobics.

Something similar happens in the case of scheduled intercourse without ovarian stimulation and for people who want to become pregnant on their own: exercise can help boost fertility by improving their physical, mental and emotional health. In these cases, in the same way, moderate exercise is excellent for promoting comprehensive well-being.

The comprehensive picture

Each person experiences a different fertility journey. Some people are absolutely certain that the next step in their journey is to start a family, others know for sure that this is not what they are looking for, and others have not yet made a decision. But even among those who are part of these groups, there are many differences. That's why each person needs personalized attention; one that takes into account every aspect of their body, mind and path.

At Integral Fertility, we know this and we accompany you on every step of your path to fertility. We are not just a fertility clinic, we are a center that takes care of every aspect of your journey. In our facilities you will find psychological support, specialists in nutrition and, of course, yoga classes focused on strengthening both your body and your mind according to your specific needs. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us! We're here to support you.

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